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the  art  process: step four




How does the imagery relate to your own experiences? What feelings, emotions, familiar stories, or moments in time does the art take you to?


This is a mental exercise for many people.  Finding ways to connect to the art can be a challenge, especially with conceptual and contemporary works. CAFE con ARTE recommends going back to the 1st Point.  Out of the imagery in the art: the shapes, the colors, the symbolism, find something that relates to your personal life, your tastes, interests, etc.  This can be your favorite color, an expression on a face, a feeling, a memory you just had because of the shoes depicted in a painting.


We recommend even the smallest connection.



this reminds me of.....

With Narsiso Martinez' work, he draws agricultural workers from WA and CA.  He draws fruit we all put on our tables.  He uses cardboard boxes we see at our local grocery stores.  


There are many starting points for us to relate to.  


We can't teach you how to think of these things.  The artwork can only point you in a direction, you will have to do the introspection yourself.


Have fun.



Pro tip

Don't stay in the painting.  Allow the feelings and thoughts to take you on a mental journey.  An image may transport you to a thought or emotion that wasn't there before.  


let it.


That highlighter yellow takes me to a moment when I drew on the back of a receipt when working at a taco truck in high school.  We served many farmworkers during their lunchtime.  This art piece to the right is about that.  Who says it isn't.  :)


continue you art journey here


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